Anniversary of Apollo 11


Wednesday marks the 45th anniversary of what's considered the most significant event in space history.

On July 16th, 1969, three Americans launched into space and headed straight for the moon.

45th Anniversary Of Apollo 11 Moon Landing
45th Anniversary Of Apollo 11 Moon Landing

Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin, Neil Armstrong and Michael Collins were all in their 30s as millions of Americans followed their historic venture to the surface of the moon.

The three astronauts had been in space before, but this was a mission that was new to the entire world. It took two years of studying the lunar surface to make it happen.

NASA planners had to find the perfect site and time for landing. The surface had to be flat enough and be exposed to enough sunlight for a safe landing.

Collins didn't get to experience the lunar surface, as he stayed aboard the command module Columbia and orbited the moon.

Four days after the launch, Armstrong and Aldrin hopped into the lunar module nicknamed "Eagle" and landed on the moon.

After two hours of system checks and a quick bite, Armstrong took the very first steps.

Aldrin followed shortly after.

Armstrong spent a little more than two and a half hours outside the spacecraft and they both traveled around 3,300 feet walking around the moon.

And in case you weren't around for the big event, you're in luck!

NASA will be live tweeting as if social media were around 45 years ago. The media team based at the Kennedy Space Center will be using the hashtag #apollo11 so you can follow along.
